Sunday, January 31, 2010

Music Video

Oh yes, the best part of bumping your head is getting to wear the purple ice mask afterwards. Why use it on me right? Those bags under my eyes are not going anywhere, I taught too long then had a baby and managed never to sleep since! All of it was worth it though.

Ok all you screaming Isa die-hard fans. Here it is. She's finally overcome the fact that she's on camera and she's singing her version of Itsy Bitsy Spider (with the motions). Zorro wanted a piece of the spotlight so he decided to finally eat his breakfast during the song and I wanted her to say something so I wispered to her and she decided that was her cue to wisper back. That is SO how it goes around here. I LOVE how she looks like Stevie Wonder a little when she sings, she's just really into it!

Thanks to everyone for your opinion about the photos, we'll just see what happens. Most people liked the first one shown but after some professional critique, we decided to enter a picture of her that looked more like a snapshot at Christmas.

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