Monday, February 13, 2012

The Posse Hits the Slopes

And by "slopes" I of course mean the hill in our backyard. Yes fans, the snow finally came after a day of flurries. After dinner Miguel and I presented the Nugget with her first sled and I got the kidlets ready and we headed outside. The trip was considerably shorter for Val than Isa who filled our yard with snow angels and screaming with delight. Such a nice change to be among the living, Miguel and I were both so sick this past weekend with the virus that's going around so to be able to play outside with the kiddos was kind of a big deal this year.
Isa with her first sled!
The kids and me in the snow.
Isa watching the snow wondering when there will be enough to play in.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Nugget and The Pal

Here are a few pics from life around here.
Pal in the rocking chair ready for a story. Here's one of both kidlings in the chair with Isa reading to her baby brother.
Don't let this one fool you, she's very much into misbehaving these days, but when she's good, she's adorable!