Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring at the Zoo

I'm a zoo-a-holic but what can I say? It's fun, free, safe, educational, and great exercise. The zoo has always been my favorite place to go in St. Louis. Today we went with Caroline and Sara Blackwood and had such a good time. I was a little nervous when I saw Caroline was walking and I was making Isa ride in the stroller but it turned out perfectly. We couldn't have asked for better behaved girls at the zoo this morning!

Getting ready to go! She held her sippy cup and her monkey book the whole way there.

Mommy, Isa, and the statue of Phil. Isa wasn't so sure about Phil at first but then she saw Caroline get her picture and decided if I was there it would be ok.

It takes a lot of name shouting and hand holding, but this is proof that we took 2 VERY good girls to the zoo this morning.

It turns out Caroline likes the monkey house as much as Isa does. They had a blast running from display to display to see all the different monkeys holding the babies.

Getting over the stranger danger phase! She's warming up to different people so much so that she gave Sara a hug and let Sara hold her and point out monkeys.

Taking a break with the sweetest smelling flowers that just happened to match her outfit. All she cared about was eating her cheese crackers but the photo op was too much
This is to make up for the not- so-great picture of her I posted yesterday.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

2 Kiddos... Again

Whadda ya say? Let's blow this popsicle stand! I've got my play keys, I can make it sound like we're going anywhere.
Hang on Sam, I'll be right there, I just need to play with mommy's decorations really quick.

Now I've got my keys, I'm outta here!
Party on!! 2 kiddos taking a break from some serious dancing.

Ok Mom, these pictures are for you. You were lamenting not having any pictures of your youngest grandson so here are a couple. I like the one with him holding the play keys out like he's making his big get away. They both were very cute watching Shrek 2 (the bonus features have the characters singing and dancing). The perfect way to end the day... a Disney inspired dance party.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Cherries on a Sunday

Yesterday a couple of friends of mine needed some help cleaning out a house they're getting ready to move into so Isa and Miguel had the day to themselves. Most of it was taken up by nap time but that's ok, I don't think either one of them missed me all that much. The only problem with that whole situation is that she slept too long during nap and she was still very revved up at bed time. What to do? Go to the park of course! Isa has a hard time pacing herself with all the room to run and the sheer excitement of the park itself so she gets exhausted after a very short amount of time. I don't think I can remember having so much fun in the park than to watch my lilttle girl running and being brave while climbing and sliding. It was the best! These are some pictures of her on the big kids slide.

At the end of the tunnel slide!

Sitting at the top waiting for mommy to catch at the bottom.

Needing a little help getting up the nerve, but that was fun!

For her birthday, Isa's godparents, Bill and Jen, got her a bunch of outfits, all cherry themed and cute as can be. They are perfect for playing all day and a quick trip to the park. Thank you so much!!!

AWWW! Little girl with her cherry outfit. Too darling!
Here is the back view of the outfit. I love that little pocket!

The outfits came with a bunch of onesies, all cherry themed and to match, she got the jacket and pants.

Friday, March 13, 2009

We have 2 videos for you folks at home that need some serious entertainment. As you can guess they both are of Isa and my feet are making their debut appearance on the blog.

The first one is of us "dancing." Isa considers dancing any time she turns around in a circle enough times (about 3) to take a few steps like she's been sucking down some serious booze then falling on the floor. This is usually accompanied by squeals of laughter and a seriously wound up dog.

The second video is a shout out to all the hard core Isa fans that evidently live inside the camera. Miguel was trying his best to video her doing her little spinny happy dance and just ended up getting poked in the face. As soon as she hears the camera she makes a beeline towards it pointing and doing her "camera face" (scrunched up and snorting).

Cute either way! Gotta love the end of the day and parents who are WAY too easily entertained but I refuse to apologize for Miguel or myself because we watched it live and you people are watching videos of it...probably more than once. (seriously, we love you if you're spending time watching this)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Long Time, No Blog

This is the best picture I've caught of her in a while. She loves the red "lobster claw" oven mitts and of course no outfit is complete without sunglasses. Especially when you have your mommy's killer shades to wear. This picture just proves the time-honored theory that if you have the right accessories, you don't need pants or shoes. Don't you just LOVE that girl behind those Foster Grants!!!

Sorry for all the time between posts. Miguel and I have been looking casually at the real estate market. This leaves little to no time for pictures. That all turns out to be ok though because Isa rarely stands still long enough to get a picture in focus and snap it. She's been very good about looking at different houses. The hardest thing (aside from creepy dark basements- NOT HER FAVORITE) is not being able to let her get down out of the backpack and run around. Call me crazy but those mystery stains on carpeting are disgusting enough, but the thought of even the bottom of her shoes touching that stuff is more than I can handle.