Monday, October 19, 2009

In the Midst of Moving

Angelically uplit, yet hang on..

Sweet baby or evil purse snatcher? You look at that guilty little face and make your own judgments.

After breaking into the purse and serving the time out, it's time for some stretches.

Zorro was oh so much help in packing... oh wait! He kept his cool all day and then he escaped out into the neighborhood that night leaving Miguel and me calling for him up and down the block for about 30 minutes.

When Isa was sick she wanted to get into bed with me so after the initial shock wore off of being woken up by a 2 year old, we took some pictures.

In the midst of moving the drama has happened. Yes, the flu descended on our house like a plague wiping out both Miguel and Isa and leaving the dog depressed and yours truly 2 inches away tearing my hair out. Thankfully the illness is coming to a slow end. Miguel and I moved a lot of stuff this past weekend and I think he undid all the rest he was getting. I'm thinking the worst of the flu is behind us and we, as a posse are on the mend.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Some of us

Getting sleepy. Wrapping up books and putting them in laundry baskets makes a little girl sleepy at the end of the day!

Mommy and her princess.

I swear she was dancing until she saw the camera. Still, I think a little jam session with spaghetti sauce on your belly, dancing in your Mickey Mouse diaper says to the world, "If being dressed after 6:30 pm is wrong... I don't want to be right."

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Posse Gets a Slice of America

Let's take a cruise down the hall shall we?

This is Isa's new room. It feels huge compared to the closet-sized room she's in right now. She loves to run in there and hide in the closet.

This is the middle bedroom. Sorry the picture is bad. It'll be great when we're done with it.
My closet and my other closet in the master bedroom. Sorry Miguel, I guess you're getting dressed in the basement.
The master bathroom. Yes, it's pink. I'm kind of feeling sorry for Miguel, whose life got a serious influx of pink when we had a daughter.

Isa surveying the scene of the future potty training site. I hear this blue was popular at one time, I'll have to take everyone's word on that.

I know harvest gold was thought to be beautiful at one point in time. This house was built during said era. Please note the carpet matches the drapes. ;)

Yes, this is the dining room and that IS in fact harvest gold textured carpeting with matching draperies.

I have not one, but TWO, count 'em, harvest gold rooms. Along with this lovely lighting fixture. Miguel and I both agreed that the carpeting will be the first thing to go.

The family room. Updated carpeting, dead squirrel skeleton (Rocky to us) in the fireplace. Both are going to go when we get the keys. I'm really excited to have a fireplace though!

This is going to be my sewing room. I called this room the second time we went to look at the house. It's a little bar off the kitchen and since Uncle Terry hooked us up with a completely sweet bar for our wedding, I called dibs on this little space. The cabinets will come out and my stuff's going in there. It's one of my favorite rooms in the house.

The pantry is on the right and yes, that's an avocado green double oven on the left, your eyes are not playing tricks on you. It has a dial that allows you to set it for different meats. That's right, there's a ham dial on that oven.

I am seriously in love with the kitchen light. I told Miguel if he threw it away he would get into major trouble with me. The cook top matches the oven but the cabinets are good and there's lots of counter space. I also really like the metallic gold tiles in the back splash. I guess it's one of those endearing things to me. I can't help it.