Friday, November 7, 2008

2 Kiddos

When my sister asked me to babysit my nephew I had my reservations. She would be working long hours and Sam would be here A LOT. I had no idea how to deal with a 14 month old child and do my 10 month old child at the same time. The other factor of my nervousness came in seeing Sam's 2 older brothers be older brothers to him. Perfectly natural behavior, but unnerving to the mother of the world's calmest baby. Isa's not a screamer or a cry baby, and when she wants your attention she just crawls over to sit on your lap for a while. There's no battle for mommy time or lap real estate. Sam knows how to push and yell for these things, Isa has no clue.

When he started here I got worried because he wasn't napping well and cried a lot. I'm so happy to say that I think we all are on a new horizon. Sam is taking the same nap Isa does, they're eating more of the same foods, theyr'e both getting along with the dog and the yelling and crying for attention has all but stopped.

I might go so far as to say that being here is good for everyone. Sam is Uncle Miguel's alarm clock and morning greeting committee. He shows Miguel his stuffed rabbit and hugs Miguel's legs every morning before he leaves for work. Sam is my workout. There's nothing like chasing after a kid to really burn off those calories. And he is Isa's playmate. She looks for Sam every day and points to his booster chair when she's eating and he's not there.

I'm so glad this could work out for everyone, but for now...both babies are asleep and I have a huge to-do list today!

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