Monday, December 1, 2008

New Mittens

Today I took Isa to Wal Mart to pick up some stuff for the goodie bags for her first birthday party. On cue for December 1st, it snowed today, little flurries all day but it was cold and windy. Isa has had so many problems with ear infections that I almost always have a hat on her to keep the cold air out of her ears. On the way into the store, Isa took off her hat and threw it into a puddle. Needless to say, it was back to the winter stuff to look for a new hat. I found one that was perfect for a princess complete with little pink and green matching mittens. As soon as I put the mittens on her she started waving at EVERYONE in the store like she was a beauty queen riding on a parade float. I was about to be embarassed, but then total strangers started smiling and waving back. She must have made 50 new friends by the time we got out of the store. She's gotten quite hammy with other people and the camera (see the prevous post), but my little ray of sunshine just shot her million dollar high beam smile all over the place and really brightened up some peoples' day. I'm so proud!!!

1 comment:

amy7252 said...

Isn't it funny how a waving baby ALWAYS inspires the other person to wave back? It doesn't matter how grumpy that person is -- they just can't resist returning a sweet little wave. Love it!