Monday, December 20, 2010

The Big Birthday, 3 years old!

Isa trying to warm up to Santa.

 The end is the beginning I guess.  This was the last picture of the night, how it ended up so far up here, I don't know.  All 3 kiddos riding the carousel at the zoo.
 Isa did really well when Santa sang Happy Birthday to her in the middle of the mall before he started taking requests.
 Uncle Terry and Aunt Teresa with Isa at the mall to visit Santa.  This was before the Santa meltdown.
 Caroline was showing Isa how it was done and Isa was not having it.  She cried and did NOT want to talk to Santa at all.
 FINALLY- a decent picture- maybe next year will be easier.
 Isa and Caroline surveying the scene.
 Looking at the cards waiting for everyone to get into the dining room to sing.
 Ariel view of the Ariel cake.
 Getting the candles ready to light so we can sing to the birthday princess.
 Everyone is ready for some cake.
 Some party-going kiddos.
 This is a kitty from Mandy and Gianna, she sleeps with that cat.  And it's loud- Thanks Mandy, I'm remembering this for Gianna's next birthday!
 Miguel made the Ariel out of different colors of paper (seriously there are about 80 different pieces of paper on my wall).
 Everyone looking at the new princess vanity from Grandma and Auntie.
 Isa checking out the decorations while sporting a princess dress up complete with dress up shoes.
 Grammy & Poppy with Isa.
 The birthday girl with a cake fit for a princess.
 Caroline, Isa, and Katie all dressed up to the nines.  Koren make the cake, AND cookies, AND chocolate sea shells.  That cake was amazing- Thanks Koren.
 Grandma and Auntie with the birthday princess.
 A few of the party guests.  Joel, Aunt Karen, and Uncle Dan.  It was so nice to see so many people that day.
 Every princess needs a cake break.
 The little family!  Happy Birthday big girl.  You're a wonderful daughter and you'll make an awesome big sister!  We love you so much.
 Isa loved riding on the monkey at the zoo.

 Sam looking at the name of the animal he chose to ride.

Sam on the tiger at the zoo on the carousel.  We all went to "Wild Lights" to wrap up the day.

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