Sunday, May 3, 2009

Random Pictures

It's the same excuse, I've been busy. But it's true! When Isa was so little everyone told me to enjoy the "down time." I had no clue what they were talking about and more so, I thought they were liars because there was no down time with her. Little did I know that the bigger and more adventurous she got, the more trouble was to be had. I'd complain, but how can you complain about a healthy, smart little girl who just loves to explore?

Isa up on the bench. She's not supposed to be up there all the time, but I was out of town this weekend. Evidently Dad doesn't know all the rules.

Fried Rice night! Here she is using her spoon like a big girl!

Ah, the artsy shot by Miguel. Our little super model.

Isa in another outfit from Kathy choosing which toy to pull out next.

I love the peach and the pigtails! She's waving to the dog out in the back yard in this picture. I wish I had a video of her new "thing"... telling Zorro "no." She does it all the time and stops when I pull out the camera. Poor Zorro doesn't even have to be doing anything bad, she just tells him no all the time because she can. She's awfully cute when she's doing it though!

Playing peek-a-boo and hiding are her 2 new favorite games.

Another beautiful shot of my beautiful little girl!

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