Friday, March 13, 2009

We have 2 videos for you folks at home that need some serious entertainment. As you can guess they both are of Isa and my feet are making their debut appearance on the blog.

The first one is of us "dancing." Isa considers dancing any time she turns around in a circle enough times (about 3) to take a few steps like she's been sucking down some serious booze then falling on the floor. This is usually accompanied by squeals of laughter and a seriously wound up dog.

The second video is a shout out to all the hard core Isa fans that evidently live inside the camera. Miguel was trying his best to video her doing her little spinny happy dance and just ended up getting poked in the face. As soon as she hears the camera she makes a beeline towards it pointing and doing her "camera face" (scrunched up and snorting).

Cute either way! Gotta love the end of the day and parents who are WAY too easily entertained but I refuse to apologize for Miguel or myself because we watched it live and you people are watching videos of it...probably more than once. (seriously, we love you if you're spending time watching this)

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