Yesterday a couple of friends of mine needed some help cleaning out a house they're getting ready to move into so Isa and Miguel had the day to themselves. Most of it was taken up by nap time but that's ok, I don't think either one of them missed me all that much. The only problem with that whole situation is that she slept too long during nap and she was still very revved up at bed time. What to do? Go to the park of course! Isa has a hard time pacing herself with all the room to run and the sheer excitement of the park itself so she gets exhausted after a very short amount of time. I don't think I can remember having so much fun in the park than to watch my lilttle girl running and being brave while climbing and sliding. It was the best! These are some pictures of her on the big kids slide.

At the end of the tunnel slide!

Sitting at the top waiting for mommy to catch at the bottom.

Needing a little help getting up the nerve, but that was fun!
For her birthday, Isa's godparents, Bill and Jen, got her a bunch of outfits, all cherry themed and cute as can be. They are perfect for playing all day and a quick trip to the park. Thank you so much!!!

AWWW! Little girl with her cherry outfit. Too darling!

Here is the back view of the outfit. I love that little pocket!

The outfits came with a bunch of onesies, all cherry themed and to match, she got the jacket and pants.
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