I'm a zoo-a-holic but what can I say? It's fun, free, safe, educational, and great exercise. The zoo has always been my favorite place to go in St. Louis. Today we went with Caroline and Sara Blackwood and had such a good time. I was a little nervous when I saw Caroline was walking and I was making Isa ride in the stroller but it turned out perfectly. We couldn't have asked for better behaved girls at the zoo this morning!

Getting ready to go! She held her sippy cup and her monkey book the whole way there.

Mommy, Isa, and the statue of Phil. Isa wasn't so sure about Phil at first but then she saw Caroline get her picture and decided if I was there it would be ok.

It takes a lot of name shouting and hand holding, but this is proof that we took 2 VERY good girls to the zoo this morning.

It turns out Caroline likes the monkey house as much as Isa does. They had a blast running from display to display to see all the different monkeys holding the babies.

Getting over the stranger danger phase! She's warming up to different people so much so that she gave Sara a hug and let Sara hold her and point out monkeys.

Taking a break with the sweetest smelling flowers that just happened to match her outfit. All she cared about was eating her cheese crackers but the photo op was too much

This is to make up for the not- so-great picture of her I posted yesterday.