Every once in a while people come into your life and touch it in a way that you never expect. I am of course referring to my godparents. Aunt Teresa and Uncle Terry have loved me like any parent would love their own kid my whole life. They have NEVER once missed a birthday, graduation, party, annual college visit, and the list continues. They have seen me at my best and worst, happiest and saddest, most proud and humbled and have stood there holding my hand and offering praise and comfort like nobody besides my mom can do. I'm only their godchild, not related by blood but you'd never guess by the way they love Miguel, Isa and me.
That mushy stuff being said I just spent the most delightful 2 1/2 hours with them at the mall where we got Isa's picture with Santa taken. She was a little scared at first, but then Santa let her sit in his seat and she took a second look at the naughty list to make sure she would still get her wagon in a week. It was so relaxing to have another 2 sets of eyes to watch her while Miguel and I got to eat, and she loved helping them push her stroller and waving at all the people in the stores.
I was packing up clothes and bottles today missing my baby so much and still so proud that she has grown into such a big girl. I can see why birthdays are such bittersweet times for parents, it's so easy to concentrate on the time that has passed and all the growing that's already been done. Looking forward to an event like a birthday party and seeing Santa helps me look forward to another year with undoubtedly the biggest blessing to Miguel and me. Thanks for the suggestion of doing this Aunt Teresa! It was your best idea! Merry Christmas!!!
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