I love Christmas decorations!! After Thanksgiving dinner is put away, Miguel and I come home and decorate the house for Christmas. We used to do this drunk, but for the past 3 years, circumstances have made us keep our wits about us PLUS, when you're drunk decorating you have to re-do half of the stuff you put up anyway so this cuts out a lot wasted time. Anyway, here is a picture of our tree. We only put up the big one in the living room and the tiny one in Isa's room. Usually we have about 8 trees around the house.
The first picture- The stockings. These were miserable to make but once I got the hang of it, turned out quite well if I do say so myself. A complete labor of love. I decided to do "mom & dad" instead of our names, Claudia and Miguel are just too long!!
The second picture- The big tree. I love this tree. When I was a little girl my favorite part of our family tree was the angel on top. I wanted a tree full of angel tree-toppers when I grew up in a tree that looked like a starry sky. From then on I got angel ornaments, and every ornament on my tree is a gift from someone (mostly my mom & aunt). The tree and the manger scene that Grandma got Miguel and me for our wedding are the 2 things I couldn't live without at Christmas time.
Merry Christmas!! (Yep, I say it, to EVERYONE, regardless of political corectness, religious standing, station in life, or risk of general offense. If someone has a problem with it, they should go to work on December 25th and not reap any benefits of this glorious holiday!)
I Love Christmas time. ;)
This is amazing
My favorite time as well! Well done, well done! Looks lovely!!!
The tree is beautiful! And EXCELLENT work on the stockings!
AWESOME job on the stockings, Claudia!
My mom got it in her head that I wanted to do a tree full of angels - she got me angel ornaments all the time. I still have them all - mostly packed away since we've been in three different houses for the last 3 Christmases. But now that she's gone, I wish I could find them all and hang them up.
Instead, I'll live vicariously through your (BEAUTIFUL) tree this year =)
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