Sunday, January 15, 2012

Val Val the Itty Bitty Pal

That's what we call the little prince around here. Along with the Nugget, things are pretty crazy right now. I had no idea that 2 children was so much more work until I had to get them out of the house while there was a cold snap that hit. Getting those 2 ready to brave the elements was NOT pretty but we made it.

Val being all smiley for Daddy after church.

The aerial view of the baby on the couch.

There's also this thing I'm doing for the new year. Maybe you've heard of it but there's this website that's taking over my life called pinterest. It's all crafty and awesome and I saw this way to organize your home in 31 days. Now it may take this overachieving turd only 31 days to clean her already clean house and take pictures of it, I'm tackling 1 project a weekend and hoping I can still find all my stuff by the time Easter hits. Don't get me wrong, I like my chaos, the only thing is that if someone asked me where my car keys were, I would never give the same answer twice and while this wasn't a giant problem, now I need the help so stuff has to have a constant home around here- thus my organizing crusade. It's looking pretty good though, I've got the 2 big closets, my laundry area, and now my kitchen pantry looking so organized I think Martha Stewart herself is pea green with envy at my newly discovered organizing mad skillz.

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