This is how Isa informs anyone that she is a big girl. She used to do the full arm extension but now she just puts her hands on her ears and assumes you already know how big she is.

This spring's fashion... Zorro's water bowl on the head of course! This is also one of her new tricks, putting stuff on her head. This is also why the poor dog only gets to eat and drink when Isa is in her high chair or sleeping. He's adapting well though!

The newest hot spot in the house is the cabinet where I keep all the plastic/Styrofoam stuff. Her favorite is a stack of plastic cups and the huge container of cookie cutters. She heads for this the minute the gate is out of her way. I am loving her smile in this picture.

She found the napkins from her birthday party and decided purple was a much better color for the floor as she proceeded to throw napkins all over the kitchen. I guess if I'm taking pictures of this instead of giving her a talking to or a time out I need to work on my discipline skills a little more. It was just too cute.

This picture is a little older but it's a true testament to the fact that you can have a million toys on the floor and both kids have to jam into 1 old diaper box. For the record, there was another box (identical) just out of the frame on the right yet they both absolutely had to be in that box. Nothing else would do so before everything headed south and the hitting and biting began I decided to take a picture of the box full of babies.
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