Isa loves to play soccer and catch with her new ball.

Miguel was practicing his portraits and snapped this one of Isa.

Let's try the party hat on the lion.

We put a leash on the lion and Isa found her party hat from her birthday party and we all had some fun.

Mommy and Auntie reading "Cutie Pie" while Isa took control of the flipping of the pages.

Grandma Jill loves getting a story before bedtime! Especially if it's read by a princess wearing such fierce specs!!

GOOD MORNING!!! I seem to have Isa dressed up in something cute all the time, she IS the darling girl I've always dreamed of. Miguel got tired of the "fixed up" shots of her and decided to show all her fans how she looks first thing in the morning. I told him it's ok now but you can't do that to a woman after the age of about 5.

Happy Valentine's day! I made this wreath out of wire with sparkly hearts all over it and ever since I put it up, Isa has made a major grab for it every time she gets near the thing. Enter Daddy, not knowing any better and looking for a great photo op. I'm in the shower and Isa is tearing up by wreath and he's taking pictures of it. Let's just say they're both lucky that the wreath was easily repaired and the pictures turned out great.
This is a video of Isa watch Elle Roust on Amy Roust's blog. Isa loves to look at that baby and we played this video for about a half an hour for her. I was truly shocked she sat still for that long. Thanks Rousts!!! I really needed that break!!