This is a picture of Isa after a morning bath last Sunday. We all got up early to clean up that mess but the cute little girl eating her crackers in her duckie robe was worth it.

Isa loves Zorro. He loves her a lot more now that she's eating food that he doesn't mind cleaning off the floor. She also thinks it is hilarious to feed him off her high chair tray. This is turning out to be a very nasty habit to break but I guess the bond is worth it.

Isa is now into helping Daddy clean up Zorro's paws after he's been outside. I'm glad she does this because now Miguel understands how hard it is to get things done with a "helper" under your feet. (no matter how cute she may be) She pets Zorro and uses a high pitched squeally voice to talk to him and he licks her hand and makes her laugh. It's all very darling to watch.
The video is called "Late Christmas Present." As I was putting Christmas decorations away I had collected all the tablecloths and cloth napkins in a box and foolishly left the box in the middle of the floor after nap time. She does this exact same trick complete with self applause with laundry baskets, random boxes, her toy basket, suitcases, and her diaper bag.
That's a great picture of Isa eating crackers, but the video is to die for!
What a cute, cute video! If Elle fell into a box like that, she would scream bloody murder.
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