I was at a training seminar for my new job teaching Spanish to grades 1-4 and I was gone for a week. Miguel took a couple of pictures to help illustrate the antics that ensued while I was gone. Evidently nobody combed Isa's hair or bothered to put pajamas on her (all I saw were the pictures) all week but everyone survived. Thanks Aunt Karen, Tara, Mary, Becky, Sara, and Mike. We never would have made it without y'all!

Before I left, the oven broke. Miguel was trying to find what was wrong and fix it and Isa decided to help. But let's face it, I bake all the time and that oven was brand new in this house in 1968. The green eyesore is now out of the wall and in the garage. We're installing a new one (black this time) this week.

After a full day of wearing people out and fixing ancient appliances, she is finally ready to be done for the day! I don't even want to know about the army of toys she's sleeping in the middle of, her bath status, or why she's not wearing pajamas in this picture. Sometimes I've got to let stuff go.
Our annual 4
th of July post. We
didn' t do much this year but here's a look at last year:

And the year before that:

And now this year, she's ready for church. Since the dress was so short I put red and white bloomers on her and tied the bun in her hair with a red ribbon. She was too cute!

Our neighbor saw the photo shoot going on and she gave Isa a couple of
dasies out of her yard to pose with.