Cheesing it up before the big hike. She said goodbye to this frog on the way back out to the car.
She also told me she's a "
moobie star" with my sunglasses on.

Yes fans, this is the picture taken mere seconds before she shot off like a rocket down a hill and fell face first into the concrete. Thus awarding her with the suspiciously famous mustache immediately under her nose. She was actually fine and without scrapes until her feet kicked up over her head from the sudden stop of momentum. You'll see what I mean about the scrape.

Post huge spill. The cut underneath her nose is finally starting to get better. She didn't cry for long... She's so tough! She has also told me that the apple tastes better eaten whole after I take a bite out of it to get her started. That's the only way she likes apples now. Evidently cutting up an apple is just a baby thing.

Taking a rest on one of the decks they have built into the hills. The perfect spot to stop, drop you apple on the ground and strike a pose.
mmmmm, apple! Snack time yet again!

No Dad, I will not smile for you, take a picture of me eating this or take no pictures... and like it!
We went hiking in a nature reserve around here this past weekend. Anytime I go hiking anywhere I always tie a
bandanna around my head so Isa had to have one too. No I would not let Miguel take a picture of me in that condition, I'm not nearly as cute as Isa. It's quite the "outdoorsy" look, well as much of an outdoorsy look as I have. I"m not much of a camper/hiker but when the weather is finally so nice and Miguel doesn't have to work on a Saturday (finally) attention must be paid and a fun time MUST be had!