Pointing at mom who is telling the baby to look at daddy for a picture. I truly used to despise people who did this, I thought it was annoying until it was my princess' pictures that needed taking.

She sat still long enough for me to do this to her hair this morning. It helped that she had grapes, milk, and Disney channel was running a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse marathon while I was braiding.

Hi Dad, I'm looking right at you after you and mom have managed to drive me crazy taking these pictures!

Mom, I don't want to play around the fountain, I'm busy with these stairs!
After Isa played in the nursery, and yes, I DO fix her up like this to go to church even though she plays in the nursery the whole time, we stopped by City Hall here in Webster to take some pictures. It has an awesome fountain in front that Isa loves. Usually I can't pry her away and yet this Sunday she just wanted to play on the front stairs and wave to the cars. Still cute none the less.