The title stands for "Fashions by Kathy." My mom's cousin works at the Agape house and when donations come in, she picks out little outfits she thinks all these new parents will be able to use. The majority of Isa's closet comes from her generosity and keen eye for child fashions. Every time my mom asks me where I got the cute outfit for Isa I always say FBK. Kathy has turned out to be such a blessing to my little girl, quite honestly when I lost my job I wasn't sure how I was going to outfit my princess appropriately and waiting for me at my mom's house before Isa was even born were 2 bags full of clothes. It was one of God's signs telling me that life would definitely change, but He would provide. In the pictures is one of about 5 Christmas outfits Isa has received from Kathy. Thanks Kathy from all of us!! (please note the scotty dog tights!!)